Energy Efficiency Scorecard
Energy Assessments for your existing home
A star rating for your home against a national average
A clear pathway to reduce your energy costs and emissions
Recommended improvements to make your home more comfortable.
Would you like to reduce your energy bills?
Would you like to reduce your greenhouse gas emissions?
How does your energy usage compare to average households?
Would you like to improve the comfort of your home in hot and cold weather?
Thinking of going ‘all-electric’ but not sure of the benefits?
Thinking of adding solar panels or a battery to your system?
Do you need to improve the insulation in your home ?
A Scorecard Residential Efficiency Assessment
can help you answer all these questions and more
What is the Scorecard program?
The national Residential Efficiency Scorecard is a government backed programme to assess and rate the energy efficiency of your existing home.
How does the assessment work?
A home inspection will take approximately 2 - 2.5 hours. It will include ceiling, roof space, underfloor, wall and glazing inspections. Window coverings, eaves, shading, building materials are all taken into account, together with the climate zone and orientation of the house. Main fixed appliances, fans, vents and lights are also assessed.
Following the home inspection, the assessor will discuss the initial outcomes and answer any questions you have. You will then recieve by email a Scorecard Certificate and an Assessment Report.
Your Scorecard Certificate will summarise:
A star rating for your home against a national average
A clear pathway to reduce your energy costs and emissions
Recommended improvements to make your home more comfortable.
The Assessment Report will provide comprehensive detail on the energy efficiency of your existing home, and then give specific advice on how you can make improvements which will give you the most cost effective benefits, as well as the potential benefits of solar panels.
Why chose a Scorecard Assessor?
Scorecard Assessors have undertaken specialised training and have qualifications to become Government accredited assessors. They are experts in home energy efficiency and will give you tailored recommendations, advice and independent information to assist you in reducing your energy bills and living in a more comfortable home.
Want to add solar panels or go ‘all-electric’?
The Scorecard tool has an all-electric feature which allows assessors to set the tool to provide electric only upgrade recommendations. Your assessment will also show you how your house performs with or without solar panels so you can see what improvement solar panels would give your star rating.
Other advantages of a Scorecard assessment
Take advantage of Government rebates for energy efficient appliances and more advantageous bank loans. There is also increasing evidence to show that higher star rated properties have a higher potential capital value or rental value.